general toc
semester 1
semester 2
semester 3
semester 4
semester 5
Semester One
Advisor: Vicki Kirsch
Study Plan
Packet 1
Cover Letter
A Monomyth Summery
I. Departure
1. The Call to Adventure
2. Refusal of the Call
3. Supernatural Aid
4. The Crossing of the First Threshold
5. The Belly of the Whale
II. Initiation
1. The Road of Trials
2. The Meeting with the Goddess
3. Woman as the Temptress
4. Atonement with the Father
5. Apotheosis
6. The Ultimate Boon
III. Return
1. Refusal of the Return
2. The Magic Flight
3. Rescue from Without
4. The Crossing of the Return Threshold
5. Master of the Two Worlds
6. Freedom to Live
Notes on
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior
By Chogyam Trungpa
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Notes on
The Female Hero in American and British Literature
By Carol Pearson and Katherine Pope
For further nothes on this text, please see Packet 2 of Semester 1
Chapter 1
An Alchemical Illustration
Inspired by the Work of Chogyam Trungpa
illustration not yet on site
Fairy Tale
Packet 2
Cover Letter
Notes on
The Female Hero in American and British Literature
By Carol Pearson and Katherine Pope
Notes on
he Origins and History
of Consciousness
by Erich Neumann
For further notes on this text, please see Packet 3 of Semester 1
A. Creation Myth
I. Uroboros
II. The Great Mother
III. Separating the World Parents
B: The Hero Myth
I. The Birth of the Hero
A Digression: Masculinity and the Male Group
II. The Slaying of the Mother
III. The Slaying of the Father
Packet 3
Cover Letter
Notes on
he Origins and History
of Consciousness
by Erich Neumann
Section C: The Transformation Myth
Part I. The Captive and the Treasure
Part II. Transformation, or Osiris
Speculations; A Summary
Notes on Washing Dishes
Packet 4
Cover Letter
Three Alchemical Illustrations
illustrations not yet on site
Krishna and Arjuna
Packet 5
Cover Letter
Notes on Siddhartha; or
An Exercise in the Law of Alternation
Symbols in Siddhartha
Kamala / Young Siddhartha
Vasudeva / The River
Kamala's Bird
The Two Dreams
Siddhartha as the Hero
Explaining the Chart
chart not yet on site
Semester Evaluation
general toc
semester 1
semester 2
semester 3
semester 4
semester 5